How It Works
Step One: Inquiry
Start by clicking Contact Us to submit an inquiry and tell us a little about your event! This is how we will be able to decide what package + add ons would best suit your needs!
Step Two: Proposal
Based on your information from your inquiry, we will assemble a package and pricing proposal for you to review.
Step Three: Contract & Deposit
When you are ready to book, an agreement form will be emailed for your review and signature. A 50% deposit is required at this time to secure your booking. You have now booked The Traveling Nova for your special event!
Step Four: Event Questionnaire
About 60 days before your event we will email a questionnaire for you to complete. This will finalize event details.
Step Five: Event Execution
The Traveling Nova arrives at your event 90 minutes before beverage service begins. Then, we serve you and your guests the experience you dreamed of!